Who Am I?

Hello, I'm Diego! I'm a Web Developer from Venezuela, currently located in Atlanta, USA.

I am passionate about turning ideas into usable and efficient products through software. Every day I prepare myself 1% more to be able to deliver a product that exceeds user expectations, while adhering to best practices and principles of software maintainability and scalability.

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Frontend Developer

Every day I am working on my side projects, currently focused on technologies such as TypeScript, Next.js and Tailwind CSS, thinking how I can create a product you'd need or wish to have.

I am working on learning modern frontend frameworks, such as ReactJS and the libraries around it.

I develop highly efficient, responsive and performant websites and web apps, always keeping in mind the user experience and the impact it is having on my project.

Tech Stack

I have managed to build professional projects from scratch with this tech stack so far. I keep on going in my never-ending process as a self-taught developer to get deeper into it.

Not only that, but I also look forward to learning more industry-used technologies in order to provide the appropriate solution to a problem.

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • ReactJS
  • Next.js
  • GraphQL
  • Strapi CMS
  • SASS
  • Tailwind
  • Figma
  • Vite
  • NodeJS
  • Git

Sharing My Adventures with You

This is not just is about work and code. We're all human, and our life journeys are priceless. Here, I've written down some of the most important lessons and insights I've learned as I look back on my growth over the years.

Oops. There should be a list of articles here. There is none. I guess I should start writing.

See articles page

Contact Me

Made with 💙 by Diego Reyes